Retirement Seminar - Learning what you need to know
March 8, 2023
10:00 am - 1:00 pm (ET)
Castleton UMC
7101 N Shadeland Ave
Indianapolis IN
We encourage anyone who is considering retiring in 2023, approaching mandatory retirement or within 5 years of this date to attend this retirement seminar. However, all are welcome to attend. There is no cost to attend this Conference sponsored event.
We will have presenters from Wespath and the United Methodist Foundation Ministry staff in person to answer any questions regarding retirement. Those who register in advance will receive a prepared projection for retirement based on age 65* and a credited years of service report.
Our goal is to encourage potential retirees to start thinking about: What is ahead when considering retirement from the Indiana Conference.
We look forward to meeting with you on March 8th 2023.
There is no cost to attend.
Registration deadline: March 1, 2023 at 11:59 pm (ET)