Meeting monthly on Zoom for two years beginning on January 3, 2024 from 9:00 am to 12:30 pm (ET).  All dates are listed below.


The Pastoral Academy for Missional Excellence (PAME) is a two year opportunity for ministerial development. PAME equips pastors to be effective, missional leaders. The Academy covers a wide range of topics with theological depth and practical applications.

Join us as we work together to move ministry forward!

Zoom meeting dates: 1/3/24, 2/5/24, 3/4/24, 4/3/24, 5/6/24, 6/3/24, 7/1/24, 8/5/24, 9/2/24, 10/7/24, 11/7/24, 12/7/24, 1/6/25, 2/3/25, 3/3/25, 4/7/25, 5/5/25, 6/7/25, 7/7/25, 8/4/25, 9/3/25 from 9:00 am to 12:30 pm (ET)

Cost:  $100 per person

Payment Information:  Visa and MasterCard accepted

Please print a copy of your registration for your receipt.

Registration deadline: December 1, 2023 at 11:59

Led by:  Rev. Doug Anderson and his team