You are invited to join us for the Spring Lay Servant Ministries Academies to begin or continue training for living out the call to make disciples for the transformation of our churches, communities, and world.
Classes offered this session:
Basic Course - The Basic Course of Lay Servant Ministries is foundationl for all courses in Lay Servant Ministries. Participants are encouraged to discover & employ personal spiritual gifts as God intended and to consider the importance of exercising servant leadership, developing future leaders, remaining rooted in consistent spiritual practices, and being part of a group that holds members accountable in their discipleship. Taught by: Dee Malavolta
Leading Prayer - For many people, prayer remains a mystery, and praying in public is a test of faith left to the "professionals" of the church. This course on praying in public will help the participant grow in confidence and skill in prayer, both public and personal. This class meets the Leading Prayer requirement for Certified Lay Speaker. (Must have completed Basic Course first) Taught by Doug Thomas
Transforming Evangelism - This course leads participants to learn from John Wesley how to practice relational evangelsim. They will discover that evangelism involves not only sharing our faith with others but also welcoming people into a community where they can grown in faith. Meets the Heritage requirement for Certified Lay Speakers. (Must have completed Basic Course first) Taught by Paul Rupert
Check payments must be mailed within 7 days of registration. Please include a copy of your invoice with your check.
Make checks payable to INUMC
Mail to:
Attn: Lisa Timmerman
301 Pennsylvania Parkway, #300
Indianapolis, IN 46280