Northwest District Lay Servant Academy
Parkview UMC
1785 St Rte 19
Peru, IN
October 5, 2019 10:00 am - 5:00 pm ET
October 6, 2019  1:00 pm - 5:00 pm ET
You are invited to join us for the Lay Servant Ministries Academies to begin or continue training for living out the call to make disciples for the transformation of our churches, communities, and world.  
Cost:  $15 per person - Lunch will be provided on Saturday.  If you require a special diet, please bring your lunch.

Check payments must be mailed within 7 days of registration.  Please include a copy of your invoice with your check.

Make checks payable to INUMC

Mail to:
Attn:  Lisa Timmerman
301 Pennsylvania Parkway, #300
Indianapolis, IN 46280

Registration deadline:  September 29, 2019 at 11:59 pm
Cancellation Policy:  all cancellations must be received via email to by 11:59 pm on September 29, 2019 to be eligible for a refund less processing fee.  No refunds after this date
Class Choices:
Lay Servant Ministries - Basic Course:  The Basic Course of Lay Servant Ministries is foundational for all courses in Lay Servant Ministries.  Participants are encouraged to discover & employ personal spiritual gifts as God intended and to consider the importance of exercising servant leadership, developing future leaders, remaining rooted in consistent spiritual practices, and being part of a group that holds members accountable in their discipleship.  Taught by Rev. John Meunier
Book:  Lay Servant Ministries by Sandy Ziegler Jackson & Brian Jackson; $11.00 through and also available in Kindle and ePub formats; DR626 978-0-88177-626-3
Living Our United Methodist Beliefs:  This course will explore the special gifts of theology, witness, and organization that the United Methodist Church brings to the church universal, how we got where we are today, and how our distinctive emphases are still needed in the 21st century.  This class is required for the Heritage category for Certified Lay Speaker.  Must have completed Basic Course first.  Taught by Rev. Lauren Hall
Book:  Living Our Beliefs:  The United Methodist Way by Kenneth L. Carder; $13.00 through; 978-0-8358-1026-5
Lay Servants Lead in Conflict Resolution:  Every church deals with conflict, both healthy and unhealthy, and lay servants can be equipped and empowered to help lead through those times of conflict as a time of transformation.  Must have completed Basic Course first.  Taught by Rev. Bette Thompson
Book:  The Spirit and Art of Conflict Transformation by Thomas Porter; $25.00 through; 978-0-8358-1026-5