District Equalization Willingness to Serve Form 2025

Indiana Annual Conference June 4-7, 2025

The form submission deadline was February 2, 2025 at 11:59 pm 


The Equalization Members Willingness to Serve Form is a process (reference 2020/2024 Book of Discipline, paragraph 33, Article I), which aligns with our other practices within the Indiana Conference to gather names of those who are willing to serve the Annual Conference (please reference General and Jurisdictional Willingness to Serve, and Conference Nominations' Volunteer Form).

The Equalization Members Willingness to Serve process provides for an equitable means of communicating this opportunity broadly throughout the Indiana Annual Conference. When persons complete the form, it offers a catalog of names for the District Operational Teams to provide a slate of persons who can be available for election to represent the districts as lay equalization members to the Annual Conference Session.

The Equalization Members Willingness to Serve process does not guarantee anyone the opportunity to serve (even if you have served in this capacity in prior years). The process provides for the District Operational Teams to make a well-informed decision regarding those lay members who will serve to represent the diversity of the respective districts.

Please be aware that the District Operational Team will provide a slate to be voted at a District Conference in each district. The process for identifying Equalization Members will be found in our Indiana Conference Rules & Structure Document.  
Click here for more information

Willingness to Serve Forms may be submitted online (only) from January 2 – February 2. Equalization Members will be elected at the District Conferences to be held in March (or when the Superintendent designates). Those elected to serve as Equalization Members will be notified by email. Equalization Members elected will need to register to attend in person Annual Conference for voting purposes. 


Deadline to submit Willingness to Serve Form: February 2, 2025 at 11:59 pm