Indiana Extension Course of Study Fall 2023

The Indiana Extension Course of Study School is an extension of the Garrett-Evangelical School of Theology Course of Study School, operating under the authority of the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry of the United Methodist Church. It is intended for part-time local pastors. Student performance is reported to the Division of Ordained Ministry, the annual conference Board of Ordained Ministry and the student's Conference Superintendent and District Committee on Ministry.

The United Methodist Church requires part-time local pastors to complete the Course of Study in 12 years.  The student should complete two classes per year to be eligible for reappointment.  (Book of Discipline of the United Methodist Church, 2016 ¶318.2  See also ¶ 316-320)

The weekend schedule makes attendance at the Indiana Extension COS School possible for part-time pastors having a non-clergy vocation.

Applicants must complete the Candidacy and License to Preach requirements before beginning the Course of Study.

            $270    INUMC Local Pastor
            $300     Minister Other Denomination
            $300     Other Conference Local Pastor

For financial aid, applicants should check with the Local Pastor Registrar of his/her annual conference, Conference Superintendent, or District Committee.

Students pay for textbooks and any other personal expenses. Tuition includes noon meal on Saturdays.

Dates:  September 8-9, October 14, November 11, 2023

Registration deadline:  August 15, 2023 at 11:59 pm
When registering please have your Personal Identification (PID) number available.  If you have forgotten that number, contact Luska Natali before starting your registration. 

Cancellations:  all cancellations must be received by 11:59 pm on August 15, 2023 via email to to be eligible for a refund less processing fee.  No cancelations after this date.

Faculty:  The men and women who teach in the Course of Study have academic credentials as well as practical experience in the areas that they teach.  They come primarily from the Indiana Annual Conference.  Most hold clergy credentials and have served as pastors of local churches.

Assignments:  Some assignments must be prepared before the first class session.  Other assignments are due at subsequent class sessions.  All assignments must be submitted by or at the last class of the spring term.
Web Assistance:  Some classes may use web assistance which will require you to enroll in the online learning platform. 

Grading:  Letter grades are assigned in the traditional A, B, C, D or F format.


All sessions are held at:

 Esch Hall

           University of Indianapolis           

1400 E Hanna Ave. 

     Indianapolis IN        

Emergency phone during class:  call 317-788-3333 (police weekend number)  They will contact the director of COS.

                     September 8             6:30pm - 9:00 pm                                            September 9             8:30 am- 4:00 pm                      
October 14               8:30 am - 4:00 pm
November 11           8:30 am - 4:00 pm

Schedule of Courses:
Classes will meet on Friday, September 8, Saturday, September 9, Saturday, October 14 and Saturday, November 11.  Classes that have fewer than five (5) persons registered on August 15, 2023 will be deferred to future sessions.  In this event, students may choose to take another course.

The following classes are being offered Fall 2023:

121 Bible I: Introduction

124 Transformative Leadership

224 Administration and Polity

322 Theological Heritage III: Medieval-Reformation

323 Congregational Care

423 Mission

424 Ethics

522 Theology of the Contemporary Church

523 Evangelism


Contact Information

Luska Natali 

Phone: 317-564-3233 or 317-924-1321 



Payment Instructions

Online payments by Visa, MasterCard or Check.


Print a copy of your registration for your receipt.

Check payments must be mailed within 7 days of registration.  Please include a copy of your registration with your check.

Make checks out to INUMC and mail to:

Luska Natali                                                                                  Administrator of Ministerial Services

301 Pennsylvania Pkwy, Suite 300

Carmel, IN 46280